Seller Lists can be uploaded online until 6pm Thursday 28th April. Sellers Lists can also be provided to us on a USB from 7.30am through to 9.30am on Saturday at the venue, during operating hours. After these times, we will only accept Seller Lists on USB at the discretion of staff.
Only our Word Docx or a CSV file can be uploaded, a PDF document cannot be uploaded.
Seller Form Updates and Amendments.
If you need to make any changes to or update your original list just upload another Seller List and follow the steps above.
If you have any questions, please contact the ShireCon Bring & Buy
- Step 1
- Download the WORD form (ShireCon-2023-Bring-Buy-Form.doc) and update; OR
- Create a CSV file with the following fields in this order: (Seller Code, Item Number, Day 1 Price, Day 2 Price, Description). The 2 price fields must be included, even if the price is the same for all 3 days.
- Step 2
- Upload the Seller Form/List file (either the WORD form or CSV file); entering your name, email address postcode, and phone number in the fields provided.
- Once processed, we will send you a confirmation email, including your labels for each of your items. If there is an issue with the Seller Form/List, we will send you an email with details of the issue.
Uploading Seller Lists is NOW CLOSED. Please bring your Seller List on a USB to ShireCon between the hours of 7:30-9:30am Sat 29/4.
Uploading Seller Lists is not available at the moment. You will be able to Upload Seller Lists sometime after the 1st April.
To upload your seller form/list, please enter details below, select the file you wish to upload and press the Upload button. We will send you a confirmation email soon.